Education and Training Sector (DIKLAN) HMPSDPWK PSDKU University of Diponegoro K. Pekalongan, held an activity called Grand Opening Research (GORe) 2020. GORe is an activity to introduce the world of research and technology to students, especially new students of class 2020. This activity has the theme “ "Improve Your Intellectuals with New Research Character" with the aim of opening students' ideas in adding insight and creativity in the world of research. “Improve Your Intellectuals with New Research Character” dengan tujuan untuk membuka ide-ide serta gagasan mahasiswa dalam menambah wawasan dan kreativitas di dunia riset.

This GORe 2020 activity was held on Saturday, November 14, 2020 and Sunday, November 15, 2020 online via platform Microsoft Teams. This activity was attended directly by the Head of the PWK D3 Study Program K. Pekalongan PSDKU UNDIP, student lecturers, and speakers who are very reliable in their fields. GORe was held with the aim of introducing and providing an understanding of the four pillars of research, namely Scientific Writing Contest (LKTI), Debate, Student Achievement (Mawapres), and Student Creativity Program (PKM).

Although this activity took place online, the activity went quite well as expected. In addition, the class of 2020 students actively contributed to participating in activities and asked various questions to the presenters. The next hope is that the participants can implement the knowledge gained based on the 4 existing research pillars and can take part in realizing the vision of an excellent research university. In addition, with the GORe 2020 activity taking place this time, it is hoped that the participants can increase their interest in research while creating an achievement climate, especially in this PWK study program. The GORe 2020 activity also appreciated several participants who actively asked questions, namely Zakkiyah Wulandari Nugraha, participants who asked questions, namely Tangguh Bintang Fajri, and participants with the most likes. twibbon on social media Instagram namely Anggun Permadani. (brn)