Pekalongan 5 July 2022 - This series 4 practitioner lecture was held on Tuesday, July 5, 2022, from 09.00-11.40 WIB, attended by 55 participants virtually through a zoom meeting. This series 4 practitioner lecture was guided by Rivaldi Rizqi Adi Putra as MC and moderated by Mrs. Deny Aditya Puspasari, S.T., M.PWK. from the beginning to the end of the event. In this Series 4 Practitioner lecture, the theme was Business Development as an Alternative for Future Jobs by inviting 3 speakers, namely Mrs. Febriana Ayu Kusuma Dewi, S.T. as CEO and Director of CV. Bakti Pratama who is engaged in the export business, Mr. Maulana Muhammad Atsnansyah, S.T. as CEO of MJS Apparel & Sportware which is engaged in the apparel and retail sports equipment provider and Mr. Reza Pahlawi, S.T. as the Owner of CV.Reswara Praptama which is engaged in the service of providing SLF (Certificate of Eligibility for Functions).

The Practitioner Lecture was opened with remarks by Mrs. Retno Susanti, ST., M.T. as the Head of the D3 Regional and Urban Spatial Planning Study Program PSDKU Pekalongan Campus who delivered introductions regarding the existence of alternative job opportunities for her program study graduates. The hope is that with this lecture, we will be able to open networks to informants about business as an alternative job for urban and regional planning students and open up students' insights about building a business. After that, it was continued by the introduction of the resource persons and the presentation of the material by the three speakers who were guided by the Moderator.

The presentation of the first resource person was Mrs. Febriana who is in the Export business. She presented material with the title of developing business relations in a business. Initially, she founded a business starting from college starting from an apparel business with a brand Up Apparel which serves orders for sports clothes custom design which this business was built because of her personal interest as a basketball fan. Business Up Apparel which was founded while studying in semester 6 in 2014. Then after graduating from college, Mrs. Febriana began to develop other businesses in the export sector under the auspices of CV. Bakti Pratama which is a manufacturing company briquette charcoal since 2016 which has been exporting to Berut, Lebanon and Arabia. The third business is CV. Pleasure Company which was founded in 2017 and is engaged in services where this business does not need to have its own factory and can cooperate with other factories in the production process, then the goods can be sent to customers in other countries. The last business that Mrs. Febriana went through was a boarding house business, which started with the idea of ​​providing a place to live for employees who are not from the area so that they are closer to their place of work. The business was named Kost Putri Pespsinaga. After giving an introduction and introducing the business that is being carried out, Ibu Febriana conveyed material about the reciprocal relationship between us and other creatures and is important in developing a business. The network of relationships used in Mrs. Febriana's business relies on friendship relations from college until now and technology literacy in the form of social media understanding. He also explained that the beginning of getting customers from his 4 businesses came from college friendships and social media by providing a good and informative website so that the business being occupied is related to the hope that if the relationship is wider, I can add other business ideas. In closing the material, Mrs. Febriana also gave tips on building good business relationships by:

  1. Build a good reputation in a responsible and trustworthy way
  2. Treating relationships like important people to get suistanable from business
  3. Build good interactions with good communication
  4. Understanding Relationship Needs to maintain trust between customers dengan penyedia
  5. Actively communicate by doing fast respon to increase service satisfaction

After the presentation of the material from the first resource person, it was continued by the presentation of the material by Mr. Maulana Muhammad Atsnansyah, S.T. as a brand entrepreneur sportwear (MJS Apparel & Sportware). The presentation opened with the introduction that Mr. Maulana is an alumnus of PWK Undip which was then continued to explain material about creative business ideas. The business that he built started from the lecture bench, at which time he was very interested in Entrepreneurship courses. Based on these courses, he began to explore himself and began to think critically in doing business. Then Mr. Maulana told me that the initial idea for his business came from the hobby of playing football which was not approved by his parents, but Mr. Maulana still had the passion and desire to make a business related to his hobby. Mr. Maulana started this business when he was in college with the help of his friend in Solo in 2011 in the form of taking sports t-shirts, batik jerseys with other brands, but the business did not develop significantly. Then he tried something else by selling sports equipment by selling to friends. It turned out that these efforts paid off so that finally he was able to have his own shop and create his own brand MJS Sportwear until now. On this occasion, Mr. Maulana shared the flow of how to get creative ideas

  1. Looking at the problems in daily Life (seeing problems and answering concerns) to be able to do business initially, we must first like the business and business-related problems that will be undertaken by making things that are unique but functionally appropriate.
  2. Solution & Innovation which is basically human nature under pressure, there will definitely be a sense of desire to overcome that pressure which can be done by reviewing and seeking other information to solve business-related problems, it is possible that business will gain a level of stuck dari sini akan muncul inovasi yg berasal dari kumpulan solusi tadi.
  3. Collaboration This is needed by collaborating with other parties, for example technology collaboration carried out by the team to obtain opportunities in a separate business for the key to creativity.
  4. Consistency diperlukan dalam bisnis because after we are able to take steps to find out the problem to get a solution, innovation then arises Collaboration and must be consistent in doing business to achieve goals. In business, this consistency is often a weak point and a challenge for an entrepreneur.

In the path that has been described by Mr. Maulana, it is found that the appropriate sequence of thinking will produce appropriate results in achieving business success according to the target. Another thing that can also be applied in business is the need to steal free time between busy lectures or other things and always take advantage of the limited time to seize opportunities. The emphasis in terms of our business should be ACTION If there isn't, it's useless the idea will be raw, the important thing is to be brave, don't be afraid to fail, and lose if it happens, make it happen valueable EXPERIENCE .

Furthermore, the presentation of material from the third resource person, namely Mr. Reza Pahlawi, S.T. as the Owner of CV. Reswara Praptama who brought material on the Functional Eligibility Certification (SLF). Accompanied by Consultants who provide services under CV. Reswara Praptama which was only approved in 2017 with the sequence of stages of TABG followed by PBG followed by PBG and SLF based on Law No. 11/2020 concerning Job Creation regarding the main requirements in the use of buildings then there is Government Regulation No. 16/ 2021 regarding the implementing regulations of Law No. 28 of 2002 on buildings and Public works Regulations number 25/PRT/M/2007 regarding guidelines for certificates of building function eligibility. SLF is issued by fulfilling the requirements related to the safety and health of the comfort of building structures which are clearly stated in government regulation number 16 of 2021 concerning implementing regulations of law number 28 of 2002 concerning buildings.

SLF consists of 7 important points, namely Administration, Architecture, structure, mechanical, electrical, environmental and K3. From this important point, SLF can be an SLF business opportunity, namely there is synergy, service providers, validity period, demand and extension. In addition, there is the role of regional and city planning in marketing which has been conveyed by two previous speakers where in the field of technical administration it is better handled by PWK graduates because in PWK learning they are also taught about good planning withcreating portion of the documents reviewed and besides that, PWK children can also become leader dalam memilih treatment right. As for being owner are required to be able to accommodate all points from the seven fields because in each field there is a gap to get client. In his presentation, Mr. Reza gave an overview of business challenges in the form of:

  1. Not all local governments have building regulations (weaknesses are in unclear SOPs because they don't have regulations yet and there must be a consultant with good communication while waiting for local government regulations that have not been released)
  2. Experts Limited technical reviewers have to give a lot this schedule profession tentative for example the file is in the center must wait on the president director, this service work is a trust, so consultants must be at the forefront of problems this schedule .

The pillars of SLF's business development internally are professional communication and focus on goals in the form of a commitment to maintain trust and be responsible for the work entrusted to them by synergistically moving together to make them strong in solving problems and persistent in innovating and creating continuous satisfaction.

Based on the presentations of the three speakers and the question and answer process, it can be concluded that in starting their business there are those who come from relationships and run a business relationship that takes a lot of part in business development, there are also businesses that start from hobbies and financial needs which are then supported by courses during recovery that help in the development of critical thinking. There is also an SLF business as a business development opportunity with several points of synergy, service providers with validity periods, demand and eligibility certificates for the convenience of the related building and in carrying out all the core business there must be good relations and information updates to take business gaps that suit us each to be executed sustainably. The 4th series of Practitioner Lectures ended and closed with the presentation of placards to the speakers and joint documentation. (Dny)