The Best Staff activity was held on Saturday, February 11 2023 at the Dafam Pekalongan Hotel, attended by 12 participants from the Ganendra Aruna Caraka Cabinet, Regional and City Planning Student Association K. Pekalongan, Diponegoro University. The activity was opened by Alika as MC, then continued with reading prayers and singing the song Indonesia Raya. Next, Azzahra as Chief Executive gave a speech, then continued with remarks from the Chair of the Regional and City Planning Student Association K. Pekalongan Cabinet, Ganendra Aruna Caraka, then remarks from the lecturers present, namely Mrs. Retno Susanti, S.T., M.T. as Head of the K. Pekalongan Regional and City Planning Study Program, Mr. Brian Pradana, S.T., M.T. as student affairs lecturer in the Ganendra Aruna Caraka Cabinet, and Mrs. Nofa Martina Ariani, S.T. M.T. as a student affairs lecturer for the Nayaka Marga Jagaddhita Cabinet.

The next activity was a video screening of memories from the Ganendra Aruna Caraka Association period guided by the MC. After that, the participants got a Coffee Break for 140 minutes which was then followed by dinner. Participants from the Ganendra Aruna Caraka Cabinet played a style guessing game that had been prepared by the committee after finishing dinner. Then, the activity continued with the reading and awarding of nominations for Best Staff, where the winners were:

  1. Rivaldi Rizki Adi Putra Sagoro as Head of Division of The Year
  2. Umar Taufiq Hidayatullah as Favorite Costum
  3. Zakkiyah Wulandari Nugraha as The Humblest Senior
  4. Purnomo Hadiwinata as Best Staff

After giving nominations, the event closed with an impression of the messages conveyed by the participants and documentation. (brn)