Tamansari (20/7). UMKM are productive businesses owned by individuals or business entities that meet the criteria as micro-enterprises. As regulated in statutory regulation no. 20 of 2008, according to the definition of UMKM, the criteria for UMKM are differentiated individually, including micro businesses, small businesses and medium businesses. UMKM have had problems since the outbreak of the Covid-19 virus in Indonesia. One of the sectors that was hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic was Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM), which also caused the national economy to decline. This can be understood because UMKM have a very large contribution to the national economy. The economic crisis resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the continuity of micro, small and medium enterprises (UMKM). This was different during the monetary crisis in 1998 where UMKM really became the savior of the national economy, which at that time was able to increase by up to 350 percent when many large businesses collapsed. However, during the current Covid-19 pandemic, it is UMKM that are really affected. The impact of the difficulty of doing business has resulted in many workers being forced to go home. The government is trying to improve national economic performance in the third quarter and it is hoped that economic growth in 2020 will be around -0.4% to 1%. The government is aware of the potential of UMKM in Indonesia. Therefore, the government has taken policies to increase the capacity of UMKM. Since that incident, UMKM have been in need support from the Regional Government so that their businesses can continue to develop. One of the efforts and support from the government is to provide easy licensing which is a program from the Ministry of Religion. With that, to make the Ministry of Religion's program a success, Student Community Service Team II at Diponegoro University will realize the dream of "Legal UMKM" in Tamansari Tlogowungu Pati Village.
The UMKM available include banana molen, sweet bread, cake, pizza, meatball tofu, bakery, and cassava cheese. In carrying out the activities, he was accompanied by village officials and students from UIN Semarang as those appointed for the UMKM legalization process by visiting the production location directly. In the process of legalizing halal certification, there are several files or requirements that must be completed. The requirements are not difficult, just prepare the business owner's KTP, active email, and a description of the procedures for making the product. Then, after all the requirements have been entered into the data, you just have to wait 6 months for the legalization of the halal certification to be complete and the UMKM can be said to be legal. (snr)
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