Program Studi Di Luar Kampus Utama (PSDKU) Undip held training to improve the basic skills of instructional techniques (PEKERTI), Tuesday-Thursday (11-13 / 2/2020) at Undip Inn, Tembalang.

Head of PSDKU Institution Dr. Redyanto Noor said that this training was a collaboration between the PSDKU Management and LP2MP Undip . "This training is an accelerating step to add knowledges for teachers in PSDKU. It is expected that this PEKERTI training will be a form of Undip's seriousness in developing PSDKU ” "The training was attended by 28 lecturers, consisting of 21 permanent lecturers and 7 extraordinary lecturers," he said.

Undip Vice Rector I Prof. Budi Setiyono, S. Sos, M.Pol.Admin., Ph.D said that this training was very important as a prelude to a career as a lecturer. "The Regent from Pekalongan, Batang and Rembang were also invited as a large family of lecturers as lecturers who could later have NIDK". "In principle, PEKERTI training is a skill that must be mastered to form outcomes from student competencies. We must be able to form a profile of graduates who can apply their knowledge to the community. We already have two external competencies namely as job seeker and job creator. There should be no more stories about undip graduates who are hard to find work "he said.