Undip officially accepts 808 new students of PSDKU Diponegoro University for academic year 2019/2020 which consisted of an Applied Bachelor Program 482 people and a Vocational Program 326 people, Tuesday, (3/9) at the Prof. Soedarto building, Undip Tembalang campus.

Undip admission of new students is symbolically marked by the installation of an alma mater jacket to several representatives of new students.

Undip Rector Prof. Yos Johan Utama in his remarks, said that Undip was in a line of universities that entered as World Class University.

"So, be proud of you who have entered the selection with a very strict screening," said the Rector.

The Rector said that Undip guaranteed the availability of extensive employment opportunities for students who graduated later with UCC.

In line with the Rector, Undip Vice Rector I Budi Setiyono, S. Sos., M.Pol.Admin., Ph.D in his remarks said that the new students would officially be confirmed as students at Diponegoro University who bears the great name of Prince Diponegoro, one of the best universities in Indonesia. A university that is accredited A or superior, and is among the top four most desirable universities in the Republic of Indonesia "he said

Budi said that the projections after students graduate would be fostered through 2 trajectories namely becoming joobcreater/ and jobseeker/ and Undip has facilitated with Undip Career Center.

With the hope that the knowledge that has been given in college can be applied later to become great leaders who are beneficial to the homeland and the nation, "said Budi.

On this occasion Budi added that the students would be handed over to the Dean of the Vocational School to be further educated in accordance with the objectives of the program study .

Through the New Student Admissions ceremony this morning, the new students were grouped in groups according to the Regency. In this way, the students could get to know each other in the same class, who in the future were expected to continue to be a closer association and create a harmonious extended family.