BATANG – D3 Public Relations PSDKU Batang Diponegoro University (UNDIP) held an online seminar and talk show with the theme Exploration and Tourism Development of Batang Regency as a form of student participation in regional development of Batang Regency. Activities carried out online to introduce tourism and culinary in Batang Regency to the new normal era on Sunday (26/6/2022) through live streaming Youtube and Zoom Meetings.

The event was attended by Dra. Lani Dwi Fortune, MM. as the person responsible for Regent of Batang, Chairman of the PSDKU Undip Institute Dr. Redyanto Noor, M.Hum, Head of the D3 Public Relations study program at PSDKU Batang Dr. Adi Nugroho, M.Si, tourism presenter Yarsono, S.I.P, M.M as Head of the Batang Regency Tourism, Youth and Sports Office, culinary presenter Jeje Garnetta as 2019 Batang Tourism Ambassador and 2019 Central Java Tourism Ambassador, Undip PSDKU Batang lecturers, as well as webinar participants from various regions.

The head of the UNDIP PSDKU D3 Public Relations Study Program, Dr. Adi Nugroho M.Si, when giving a speech at the event said, "I hope that the Batang Online Trip can increase the role of young people, especially students of PSDKU Batang Diponegoro University to be more humane in the current era . In order to form young people who are active and able to participate in building survival in the digital era. Congratulations on joining the Batang Online Trip Webinar well, solemnly, and I hope the event can run smoothly until it's finished."

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the PSDKU Management Institute, Dr. Redyanto Noor M.Hum said in his remarks, "Webinars and talk shows are the last online activities because 90% of all lecture activities will be conducted offline (face to face) next semester."

Not only the Head of Study Program and chairman of PSDKU, the Regent of Batang also participated in supporting the Batang Online Trip 2022 webinar and talk show. He said, “I have great hope that I can help improve Tourism and Culinary of Batang Regency and hopefully this event can be a role model for young people, especially students. to be more active and able to help introduce to the wider community about what is in Batang Regency. Hopefully this event will have a positive impact and encourage the economy of the local community of Batang."

In the first session of the Batang Online Trip event, the MC together with the presenters discussed tourism in Batang Regency which was filled with a question and answer talk show with Mr. Yarsono, S.I.P, M.M as Head of the Batang Regency Tourism, Youth and Sports Office (Disparpora). Some of the tourism object discussed in this event are: Ujung Negoro, Pagilaran Tea Garden, Genting Waterfall, and Sidringo Lake.

In the session, one of the webinar participants asked Disparpora's mission for tourism in Batang Regency to increase the interest of travelers to travel in Batang Regency. According to the Head of Disparpora, the government will optimize social media as a means of introducing and promoting the beauty of tourism in Batang by presenting interesting photos and videos on the tour.

Meanwhile, in the second session, the next talk show discussed culinary delights in Batang Regency with Jeje Garnetta as the 2019 Batang Tourism Ambassador and 2019 Central Java Tourism Ambassador. In this session, the MC and the presenters discussed several typical Batang cuisines, namely: Serabi Kalibeluk, Lontong Lemprak, and Soto Kebo.

There were interesting things in this second session, namely the presenters tried directly and reviewed Soto Kebo and Serabi Kalibeluk.

According to him, the beef soto kebo is not musty, thick but not tough and is combined with tauto sauce which adds to the flavor of Soto Kebo.

Furthermore, the review about Serabi Kalibeluk according to him is that this food is very suitable for breakfast and enjoyed with tea or coffee.

What is interesting when discussing Serabi Kalibeluk, is that there is a long history of Serabi Kalibeluk to the existence of the Kalibeluk dance. Please note, Kalibeluk is one of the areas in Batang Regency which is the origin of Serabi Kalibeluk.

The Batang Regency Government is very supportive of the Batang Online Trip event because it can be a means of discussion between the government and the community. “I really welcome the people who want to discuss with us as the government to provide input in the management of tourism in Batang. We cannot stand alone, we really need the aspirations of the community for the development of Batang tourism in the future. Because Batang has many tourist destinations and special foods, so it's a shame if it doesn't get good management and is not exposed to the media." he said.

This year's Batang Online Trip event has the theme "Exploration and Tourism Development of Batang Regency". It is hoped that by holding this event, it can attract public interest to visit Batang Regency because we provide recommendations for tourist destinations and culinary specialties of Batang Regency. So, when traveling later, people will not only enjoy the beauty of the tour, but at the same time they can also enjoy the typical culinary of Batang Regency.