Universitas Diponegoro
Contoh : Direktorat Data dan Sistem Informasi merupakan sebuah organ strategic yang bertugas membuat kebijakan-kebijakan yang berhubungan dengan TIK di Universitas Diponegoro.
Diponegoro University 169th Graduation Announcement
Diponegoro University 169th Graduation Announcement Letter for January period 169th Graduation Announcement Letter...
P3M PTRWK Pekalongan Campus Invites the Community to Process Waste into Livestock and Plant Media
Program Studi Perencanan Tata Ruang Wilayah dan Kota Kampus Pekalongan Universitas Diponegoro...
Undip Regional and City Spatial Planning D3 Study Program Collaborates with Village Officials in the Kajen District of Pekalongan Regency to Participate in the Implementation of Spatial Planning
Recently, there have been socialization activities and strengthening understanding of the implementation of...

Diponegoro University 169th Graduation Announcement
Diponegoro University 169th Graduation Announcement Letter for January period 169th Graduation Announcement Letter...

P3M PTRWK Pekalongan Campus Invites the Community to Process Waste into Livestock and Plant Media
Program Studi Perencanan Tata Ruang Wilayah dan Kota Kampus Pekalongan Universitas Diponegoro...

Undip Regional and City Spatial Planning D3 Study Program Collaborates with Village Officials in the Kajen District of Pekalongan Regency to Participate in the Implementation of Spatial Planning
Recently, there have been socialization activities and strengthening understanding of the implementation of...
Diponegoro University 169th Graduation Announcement
Diponegoro University 169th Graduation Announcement Letter for January period 169th Graduation Announcement Letter...
P3M PTRWK Pekalongan Campus Invites the Community to Process Waste into Livestock and Plant Media
Program Studi Perencanan Tata Ruang Wilayah dan Kota Kampus Pekalongan Universitas Diponegoro...
Undip Regional and City Spatial Planning D3 Study Program Collaborates with Village Officials in the Kajen District of Pekalongan Regency to Participate in the Implementation of Spatial Planning
Recently, there have been socialization activities and strengthening understanding of the implementation of...
Diponegoro University 169th Graduation Announcement
Diponegoro University 169th Graduation Announcement Letter for January period 169th Graduation Announcement Letter...
P3M PTRWK Pekalongan Campus Invites the Community to Process Waste into Livestock and Plant Media
Program Studi Perencanan Tata Ruang Wilayah dan Kota Kampus Pekalongan Universitas Diponegoro...
Undip Regional and City Spatial Planning D3 Study Program Collaborates with Village Officials in the Kajen District of Pekalongan Regency to Participate in the Implementation of Spatial Planning
Recently, there have been socialization activities and strengthening understanding of the implementation of...