Joint Lecture Activities for Natural Resources and Environment Subjects were held on May 31 2023 from 10.15-13.00 WIB offline at the Vocational School Building for the Spatial Planning and Land Planning Study Program, Diponegoro University, Semarang City. This activity was carried out with the aim of presenting the results of the major assignment study for the Natural Resources and Environment Course from both the Regional and City Spatial Planning Study Program (PTRWK) K. Pekalongan and the Land and Spatial Planning Study Program (PTRP). This exposure activity was attended by more than 60 students consisting of four groups VTR-A, VTR-B, VTR-C, groups from PTRWK, as well as PTRP students outside these 4 groups.

The presentation of the results of this study was started by the VTR-A group with the title Natural and Environmental Resources and Urgency in Sangihe Islands Regency by Muhammad Rizki Triopani followed by Patrishia Stephani Parsaulian Sitorus as a presenter from the VTR-B group with the presentation title Identification of Natural Resources and the Environment in North Semarang. The VTR-C group gave a presentation after the two previous groups with the title Identification of Natural Resources and the Environment in East Kalimantan by Dea Alvionita Irianto Putri. Meanwhile, the group from PTRWK made a final presentation with the title Analysis of Handling Water Quality Deterioration Catchment Area Serayu through Approach Collaborative Management in Bukateja District by Andira Aulia Kartyasha.

After each person explained the topic they had chosen, there was a time allocation of 15 minutes for a question and answer session. During the activity, the PTRWK group also actively asked questions to each group from the PTRP, such as asking about what indicators were the basis for the VTR-C group to claim that the Mahakam watershed was polluted and the group explained that this was based on a literature review. which has been done. It is known that the determining indicator for the Mahakam watershed is that it is polluted because of the public's view, changes in color in the watershed flow, then unpleasant odors and tastes arise. The VTR-C group also stated that there were no indicators related to the chemical content in the water. Apart from that, the PTRWK group also asked the VTR-B group about whether there were any concrete regulations governing tidal floods in North Semarang. The group answered by finding district/city level regulations, but had not been able to find them at a more concrete level, such as regent regulations, decrees, or local regent instructions.

The PTRWK group itself received approximately 10 questions submitted by the PTRP group. Some questions related to this include what the actual condition and use of the Serayu watershed is for the local community, then what kind of weak supervision from the relevant parties is in question and who needs to receive supervision. The PTRWK group was able to answer that the condition of the Serayu watershed indicated that it was lightly polluted and could no longer be reused by the community due to activities flushing and sand mining. Questions regarding this weak supervision should be made by the Purbalingga Regency Environmental Service and the Serayu Opak River Regional Office to PT Indonesia Power and the miners, both legal and illegal.

After the question and answer process and discussion had been carried out, it was closed by providing input by the PTRWK and PTRP lecturers. Next there was a session to announce student winners with the best questions and best presenters. Dzaky Hanidar and Rahmah, students from the PTRWK group, were winners from two other PTRP group students, while Andira Aulia Kartyasha from the PTRWK group was also selected as the best presenter. This series of lecture activities with the Natural Resources and Environment Course closed with a photo session with all students and lecturers. It is hoped that holding this activity will certainly increase the experience, relationships and knowledge for PTRP and PTRWK students. Student enthusiasm was visible from the start to the end of this event so it is hoped that this activity can continue to be held in the future. (brn)