The practitioner lecture series 2 was held on Saturday, February 26, 2022, attended by 76 participants with 3 speakers, namely Mr. Syamsul Ma'arif who shared tips on winning the design competition, Mr. Jayus Riskiyanto, A.Md who shared tips on using design tools, and Mr. Monang Wijaya who has the prospect of PWK in the BUMN/Perumnas sector. This activity was carried out virtually, guided by Mr. Brian Pradana, S.T., M.T. as the moderator of the event from start to finish. In this practitioner's lecture, there are interesting presentations and questions and answers as well as adding insight that opens the mind about the picture of a career after graduating from college.
The first presentation by Mr. Syamsul Ma'arif. He shared tips on how to win a design competition.
- First, study and understand the competition requirements documents, such as the requirements for participants to register, the background using the 5W + 1H approach, the specifications of the requested work, and the provisions of the elements that need to be included, as well as the stages and schedule of the competition.
- Second, view the problems that are present as a form of challenge.
- Third, choose the right and practical analysis model, my advice is not to leave it to identify potentials and problems (data collection), analysis of potentials and problems/SWOT.
- Fourth, explore ideas/ideas by pouring all ideas into writing, proceeding to the process of elimination & adjustment.
- Fifth, prepare yourself when presenting your work.
The second presentation was by Mr. Jayus Riskiyanto, A.Md. He explained about the use of design tools. The design design can provide an overview of the future direction of development and design concepts in an area, so that the area can be optimized in its development. There are three design analysis analyzes, as follows:
- The first is regulatory and institutional analysis, which is an analysis of the direction and regulations of the area or location that will be planned.
- Second, an economic, social, cultural analysis that analyzes the economic, social, and cultural potential of the community at the planning location both around and outside the related area.
- Third, site/site analysis which analyzes the basic physical conditions of the natural site, the shape of the natural cross section, and good conditions that can be potential or obstacles in the planning area.
Then, the design has the type, theme, and concept of the plan. Type, related to the policy direction and development direction as well as regulations from the planning location, for example: CBD area, Education area, etc. Theme, adjusting the provisions of the type of policy direction so that it can determine the content of the theme itself, for example: Education Zone (Education Zone, Retail Zone, Support Zone, etc.). Concept, Concept is a design concept direction for the development direction of the planning area theme, for example: Education Area (Green Campus, Modern Campus, etc.). Projects related to design include, among others, RTBL (Building and Environmental Planning), Masterplan, Siteplan/Site Development. Then, in the design using several applications, as follows:
- Arc Gis/Arcmap which has a function to analyze regulations or regulations based on spatial data, site analysis, etc.
- Autocad Map/Similar which has functions for conceptualizing designs, planning development, etc.
- 3D applications (Sketchup, 3Dmax, Lumion, etc.) that have functions to create 3-dimensional designs and simulations.
- Graphic Design Application (PS, CorelDraw, etc.) which has functions to refine 3D images, create infographics, etc.
The last presentation was delivered by Mr. Monang Wijaya. He explained that Perumnas is a state-owned company specifically for property, which was mandated by the president, whose main capital is 100% owned by the state. Our vision is "To become a trusted developer of settlements and public housing in Indonesia" because in PP No. 83 of 2015 itself, Perumnas was given a mission to build people's housing. A little story that in our BOD there are 4 directors from Undip the first is the President Director Mr. Budi Saddewa Soediro, the Deputy President Director Mr. Oni Febriarto Rahardjo, the Legal Director Mr. Anton Rijanto, the Production Director Mr. Tri Hartanto. A little story about the working area of Perumnas since 1974 has spread throughout Indonesia, while what I convey here are 82 active landed housing projects, 40 inactive landed housing projects, 16 apartment projects. This is the role of PWK's subsidiary, Perumnas Business Process. In my personal opinion, the role of PWK may be first, namely looking for opportunities such as strategic places, for the next maybe PRA FS, after that presentation to BOD, if friends can convince BOD then you can go to the FS stage, after that continued with the presentation to the BOD, if at Perumnas it would proceed to the location permit, then proceed again to land acquisition, the next step is design, then the next step is licensing plus BRP, then to sales, BOD, Construction, Handover and the last is After Sales. Several Perumnas projects, namely Samesta Grand Sentraland Karawang, Samesta Alonia Kemayoran, Samesta Mahata Tanjung Barat, Samesta Sentraland Cengkareng, Samesta Sentraland Sukaramai, and Samesta Mahata Margonda. Then, there are some Revit Projects
Alization of Perumnas, among others, Kemayoran Flats, Kebon Kacang Flats, Klender Flats, Tanah Abang Flats. Lastly, there are several Landed Perumnas Projects, namely Samesta Dramaga – Cibungbulang, Samesta Parayasa – Parung Panjang, Samesta Pasadana – Paseh, Samesta Royal Campaka, Martubung III – Medan, Pesawaran Residence – Lampung, Klipang Green 2 – Semarang I, Haluoleo – Sulawesi, Perumnas BTP – Maros, Citra Surodinawan – Mojokerto, Kuala Bekala – PTPN II.
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