A total of 45 D3 Public Relations Undip students at the Batang campus conducted KKL in the PR of the Central Java Provincial Government in Building B of the Central Java Provincial Government Office. KKL D3 Public Relations PSDKU Batang students absorb the public relations strategy that was built in the Central Java Provincial Government, both in terms of coverage, publications and media monitoring.

Ketua Prodi D3 Humas Undip Kampus Batang, Dr. Adi Nugroho, M. Si., mendampingi para mahasiswa yang melaksanakan KKL kehumasan di lingkup pemerintah provinsi Jawa Tengah, Jl Pahlawan Semarang

Mohammad Wachyu Alamsyah, SH., Acting Head of the General Bureau of the Central Java Provincial Government welcomed the expectations of Undip students to have KKL and even facilitated if there were those who wished to continue participating in the KKP or internship in the PR of the Central Java provincial government.

“Please, we are very open, if students are interested in internships in public relations. We adjust it to the existing space capacity in the public relations sphere,” explained Alamsyah when receiving the Undip KKL, Monday (31/10) in Hall B 5 of the Central Java Provincial Secretariat Building, Jl Pahlawan Semarang.

On the KKL opportunity, students had the opportunity to interact with the provincial government's public relations team, both with Akhsin Dzul Qurnain from the publication section and Nadiva and Puput from the media relations section and the social media optimization section.

Akshin Dzul Qurnain, a young expert public relations officer, described the public relations activities of the province of Central Java as very dynamic and even the working hours were relatively different from the government's public relations era in the past. Public relations also participates in leadership activities, which often have to be active since dawn, and even though the previous night they were also active in update leadership agenda for the Governor, Deputy Governor and Regional Secretary.

Our orientation, said Akshin, is to gain high trust from the public or society. Various ways and strategies continue to do public relations. There are times when we do publications and coverage with a complete team.

“For example, sometimes we invite two of our photographers or videographers, because one friend focuses on the activities of Mr. Governor Ganjar, and the other photographer supporting  photos of dams that governors visit or inaugurate because that is also important,” said Akshin.

Meanwhile, Nadiva, who is in charge of media cooperation, is very appreciative of the role of media friends. Our job is also to serve media partners, support mass media coverage and content. What we do is very, very dynamic, and often we follow the expectations of the media.

In terms of social media content, Puput from her social media team in public relations, described the diversity of social media content, because the existing social media also have different characteristics.

"Please fellow students also play a role in fighting" hoax"said Aksin. This is important because the destruction of this nation could also be due to the scattering hoax. The role of students here is very strategic, to fight hoaxes together, concluded Akhsin Dzul Qurnain.

KKL D3 Public Relations Lecturer, MJ Rizqon Hasani explained, KKL lasted two days from Sunday to Monday. On the first day, the students in Sutomo's guide received media photography materials, and were invited to participate in the 2022 Canon Semarang Photo Marathon, which took place at the Grahadika Building, Jl Pahlawan Semarang. On the occasion of the competition, Azizi Public Relations D3 student won the 3rd place in the annual national photo contest, which was supported by the Canon photo industry. D3 Humas also received a prize from Canon with a fairly high campus participation category in this prestigious event for photographers. Accompanying the KKL was the Head of the D3 Public Relations Study Program Undip Batang campus, Dr Adi Nugroho, M.Si along with the accompanying lecturers.