Pondowan, Pati (27/07/2023) – In village administration activities, the use of simple technology can help villages carry out their activities. Pondowan Village still uses manual methods in administrative management. Digitizing administrative management can avoid difficulties in archiving such as searching for archive files and even losing archives. Apart from that, digitizing village administration management can make village administration easier and more efficient.

Based on these problems, Raden Alif Ristiawan Putra, UNDIP Team II KKN Student, K. Rembang Public Administration Study Program, provided an innovation in the form of a Digitalization of Village Administration Management program using Google Form Media. The aim is to avoid difficulties in archiving and for villages to know about innovations in digitizing village administration management by using Google Forms to make data collection effective and efficient and guarantee the security of archives stored on the internet.

This program is implemented by providing outreach and providing practice to village officials at the Village Hall. This activity begins with providing material regarding the importance of digitalization and an introduction to the media used. After the presentation of the material, practice was carried out to provide facilities for participants to better understand how to digitalize village administration management using Google Forms. This activity also provides booklets to provide reading material to better master the digitization of village administration management using Google Forms. (raden)