Activities Leadership Training for the new management of HMPS D3 PTRWK, it will be held on 24 – 25 February 2023. This activity is one of the work programs for the management of HMPS D3 PTRWK which is mandated by the Nayaka Marga Jagaddhita Cabinet. The aim of carrying out this activity is to maximize the potential within each individual to become a potential leader. Quoting from a study contained in Leadership & Organization Development Journal, leadership training can improve a leader's ability to lead an organization effectively. Because in this training individuals will be taught hardskill and softskill to become an intelligent potential leader towards the industrial era 4.0. The hope is that after attending this training each participant will be able to:

  • Become a potential leader who quickly adapts to change;
  • Become a creative and innovative potential leader;
  • Have the ability to manage emotions;
  • Have enthusiasm and be able to provide motivation for the work team;
  • Increase the ability to face risks.

The training participants who attended were ± 45 students from both classes of 2021 and 2022.

The concept of this activity, which was commanded by Dyah Priyani Kusumawardani (Students Class of 2021), was packaged in different forms so that participants would not get bored quickly. On the first day, the event was opened by Mrs. Nofa Martina Ariani, S.T., M.T. (Student Affairs Lecturer) accompanied by Mr. Bagus Nuari Priambudi (As Lecturer in Charge of Activities Leadership Training). Furthermore, the new administrators of HMPS D3 PTRWK were given online material regarding the history of HMPS D3 PTRWK by Ms. Ari Gumelar, A.Md.t (Chair of HMPS D3 PTRWK for the 2018 – 2019 period). Then they were taught by Kak Bayu Nusantara Widyaputra (Chair of HMPS D3 PTRWK for the 2020 – 2021 Period) regarding work flow and responsibilities in each field within the student association.

To strengthen the spirit of creativity, solidarity and kinship, in the evening after evening prayers, participants were asked to show creativity in music, comedy, etc. to entertain the other participants, who ended up all sitting in a circle and eating together. The entire first day of events closed with a Bonfire Show + Games + Gift Exchange with a maximum cost of 10 thousand rupiah.

The second day of the event began with morning exercises and sports aimed at relaxing the participants' muscles and burning calories before entering the next material. This time the participants were divided into several groups and invited to tour around the campus to follow the material which was packaged in the form of a Material Post. There are 6 material posts that each group must visit and to continue to other posts, the group must complete the tasks given. The entire second day of events closed with Outbound Games and clean-up in the Undip Pekalongan Campus area. (bgs)