The Company Visit activity by the Pekalongan Campus City Regional Planning DIII Student Association was held on October 5 2023 and was attended by 35 participants. It was attended by the Head of the DIII Regional and City Spatial Planning Study Program K. Pekalongan, namely Mrs. Retno Susanti, S.T., M.T., Student Affairs Lecturer Mrs. Nofa Martina Ariani, S.T., M.T. and the Lecturer in Charge of the Company Visit event Mr. Brian Pradana, S.T., M.T. This activity was carried out offline at Diponegoro University PSDKU K. Pekalongan room C101. This activity contains a presentation of material about drought and forest and land fire disasters presented by the Head of Activities for the Pekalongan Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency, Mr. Budi Raharjo, A.P., M.A.P.

The Company Visit event was opened by Amelia Nur Zahro and Wafiq Aviva as MCs for the 2023 Company Visit event. The second event was Prayer Reading guided by Falah Dhia Putra Bariansyah. The event continued with remarks from the Chief Executive of Company Visit 2023, Annisa Fajriani. The next speech was from the Lecturer in Charge of the Company Visit 2023 Event, Mr. Brian Pradana, S.T., M.T. and continued with remarks from Mrs. Retno Susanti, S.T., M.T. by online. The next speech was from Mr Budi Raharjo, A.P., M.A.P. as Head of Activities for the Pekalongan Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency.

The event continued with the presentation of material by Mr. Budi Raharjo, A.P., M.A.P. regarding the drought and forest and land fires that are currently hitting Pekalongan Regency. Mr Budi Raharjo, A.P., M.A.P. explained that as of October 4 2023, 8 sub-districts, 29 villages and 7,442 people were affected by drought in Pekalongan Regency. The sub-districts affected include Karangdadap District, Wonopringgo District, Doro District, Karanganyar District, Kajen District, Kesesi District, Kandangserang District and Paninggaran District. The villages affected by the drought are 8 villages in Karanganyar District, 6 villages in Kajen District, 2 villages in Kandangserang District, 3 villages in Wonopringgo District, 4 villages in Karangdadap District, 2 villages in Paninggaran District, 3 villages in Kesesi District and 1 village in Doro District.

Water distribution has been carried out by the Pekalongan Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency from Monday to Sunday in sub-districts and villages affected by the drought. However, there are obstacles in water distribution, namely the limited number of trucks carrying water. In this water distribution, BPBD collaborates with PDAM regarding the allocation of water supply and disaster response volunteers/donors related to donating clean water assistance. The drought disaster in Pekalongan Regency caused forest fires and land fires. According to data from BPBD Pekalongan Regency, there were 9 forest fires and 41 land fires that occurred as of October 4 2023.

After the presentation session was finished, it was continued with a discussion session with the company visit participants. Students were very enthusiastic and asked several substantive questions related to drought disasters or forest and land fires. After a question and answer session was held by the activity participants and Mr. Budi Raharjo, A.P., M.A.P. The activity continued with the handing over of a plaque as a sign of gratitude from the Diponegoro University HMPSDPWK to the Pekalongan Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency by Annisa Fajriani as Chief Executive to the Pekalongan Regency BPBD.

The material delivery activity was finished, at 11.00 WIB the participants and committee got ready to go to the Pekalongan Regency BPBD office to gather first. Arriving at the Pekalongan Regency BPBD office, all participants carrying out the water dropping activity gathered and took photos to document it and continued with the journey to the water dropping location.

At 11.15 the entire group arrived at the location of the water dropping activity. Water dropping activities were carried out in Jetak Kidul Village, Wonopringgo District, Pekalongan Regency. The community is enthusiastic about the arrival of the water transport van and has collected containers that will be filled with the water. At 12.10 the water dropping activity was finished, the water dropping participants and the Pekalongan Regency BPBD said goodbye to the community and prepared to go home together. In the future, company visit events must continue to be held with actual and interesting themes so that students can learn and see firsthand how real actions in the field are carried out by the relevant agencies. (brn)