The Regional and City Spatial Planning Study Program, Pekalongan Campus, Diponegoro University encourages the community in Tanjung Village to process organic waste and livestock manure into fertilizer as a planting medium with the Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3M) activities.

The event which took place at the Pekalongan Campus was held on 10/30/22 and the enthusiasm of the residents was very visible when the activities were carried out. Many people from the community participated in the practical activities of making animal feed.

This Community Development and Empowerment Program was attended by the entire service team, Tanjung Kulon village officials and the community in Tanjung Kulon Village, especially livestock owners and farmers with a total of 27 participants. This event was also attended by Sabarwangi Village officials who also participated in the training activities.

Deny Aditya Puspasari as head of the service team said that the enthusiasm of the community in carrying out this activity was the main capital in this activity and in the future it is hoped that the community can increase their income, especially to increase the potential of the agricultural and livestock sectors in Tanjung Kulon Village.

"The aim of holding this Development and Empowerment Program is to invite the community to utilize the existing livestock and agricultural potential so that it can be reused in a more environmentally friendly manner. "Apart from that, it is hoped that in the future the potential for processing livestock waste can also be utilized by the community to increase income, especially for people who work as farmers and livestock owners."

This service activity is divided into 3 sessions. In session 1, the presentation of material related to the composition of animal feed was delivered by Dr. Ir. Marry Christiyanto, M.P., I.P.M. In this session, the community, especially livestock owners in Tanjung Kulon Village, were given guidance regarding the composition of good animal feed to produce good quality manure.

The next session was the delivery of material regarding making organic liquid fertilizer, which in this session was delivered by Dr. Ir. Cahya Setya Utama, S.Pt, M.Si., IPM, where in this material the public is given an understanding of how to make organic liquid fertilizer, how to package and market the fertilizer. Apart from that, the community was also given examples of the use and benefits of organic fertilizer to increase the production of agricultural products owned by the residents.

After delivering the material by the resource persons, in the third session, the community was invited to practice making good animal feed along with how to make good quality animal feed and make organic fertilizer made from livestock manure. The participants seemed very enthusiastic about taking part in the training because with this training the community could get more income by improving the quality of the livestock they own. Don't forget that at the end of the activity the community was also given the results of organic fertilizer which had been made with more attractive packaging examples to be sold.