Located in Tumbrep Village, Bandar, Batang Regency (19/08/20), Diponegoro University Rector (Prof. Yos Johan Utama, SH, M.Hum) together with the Regent of Batang (Dr. H. Wihaji, S.Ag, M.Pd), inaugurated the start of the construction of the Building of PSDKU Undip Batang Campus by laying the first stone.
Construction of PSDKU Undip Lecture Building in Batang Regency costs about Rp. 9.7 billion. The funds were used to build a three-story building with a total area of 1,245 m2 and other supporting facilities such as Computer lab, Languages lab, and libraries. The construction of the Building is the first stage of the construction of the PSDKU Undip Campus in Batang from the available land of 9.5 hectares which is divided into three locations in the district Bandar of Batang. The construction is planned for five months, so hopefully in January 2021, the building can be used for student, lectures and research activities.
In his remarks, the Regent of Batang said that the existence of the Undip PSDKU in Batang Regency strongly supports the existence of an integrated Industrial Zone (KIT) where it is for the fulfillment of competitive and productive human resources. Meanwhile Prof. Yos Johan Utama said that the construction of this building was one of Undip's efforts to participate in improving the quality of human resources and the potential of the Batang area. In closing his remarks, the Undip Chancellor hoped that this building would bring blessings to Undip and the people of Batang in general.

Currently Undip has three PSDKU campuses, namely in Pekalongan , Batang and Rembang Regency. Each Undip PSDKU has special characteristics that are developed in accordance with regional potential. PSDKU Undip in Kab. Pekalongan was developed as a Science Techno Park (STP) in the field of cattle and sheep farming; PSDKU Undip in Kab. Batang was developed as STP in Agriculture (essential oil) and Agritourism; while the Undip PSDKU in Rembang focuses on fisheries and industrial development. In 2020, the Undip PSDKU in the District. Batang already has two study programs, namely D3 Tax Administration and D3 Public Relations with a total of 277 students to support STP in the field of Agriculture. In 2021 a S1 Agribusiness study program will be established under the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture (FPP) to support STP in the fields of Agriculture and Agritourism.
PSDKU Undip was established in three districts in Central Java in accordance with the statutory mandate of Permenristekdikti No. 1 of 2017 concerning the Opening of the PSDKU. The objectives of establishing the PSDKU include increasing access, equity, quality and relevance of higher education. Therefore, with the Undip PSDKU in the District. This stem hopes that it will increase the Gross Enrollment Rate (APK) of regional male and female universities students in the Batang and its surroundings, especially the study program established at PSDKU is a study program that already has A or excellent accreditation at the Tembalang Main Campus. In addition, another goal is to increase the potential of the region both from an economic and social perspective. At this initial stage, the Undip PSDKU provides a quota of partnerships for students who come from Batang Regency and its surroundings amount to 40%. (mnd)
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