Pekalongan, 28 July 2022 – The Internship (KP) briefing activity was held on Thursday, 28 July 2022 from 08.00-10.00 WIB with 14 participants participating offline at the Public Works and Spatial Planning Office (DPUPR) of Pekalongan Regency. The discussion was attended by Mrs. Tri Sunarni, S.T., Mr. Slamet Sukmadi, A.Md., Mr. Fajar Nugroho, S.T. and Mrs. Oktafia Rachmawati, S.T. as the representative of the DPUPR Kab. Pekalongan, Mr. Brian Pradana, S.T., M.T., Mr. Muhammad Indra Hadi Wijaya, S.T., M.PWK. as representatives of PTRWK lecturers, as well as student friends. The event began with the introduction of the two parties, then continued with the handover of the intern student friends (9 people) as well as technical guidance on Practical Work (KP) at the DPUPR.

Pengarahan Teknis Kerja Praktek
The technical briefing of Practical Work (KP) was initiated by Mrs. Tri Sunarni, S.T. who expressed several opinions related to the interests of the DPUPR in making a spatial use map for the RTRW, the spatial pattern that has been set for the next 20 years as a settlement designation area and the implementation of the use of existing space has been fulfilled or not, a survey by fellow students is needed to complete the limited data requirements. With the results, the DPUPR can see the development of the RTRW that has been prepared for the next 20 years, what is the structure and spatial pattern. Difficulties related to urban drainage data, sidewalk drainage that does not yet have a master plan. Followed by Mr. Slamet Sukmadi, A.Md. practical work consists of collecting data, processing data, and seeing the similarity of data (review) with the existing RTRW so that it can be used as a database for further planning to be more mature and focused in accordance with the objectives of environmental conservation.
Seeing the character of the people of Kab. Pekalongan both socially and economically, existing spatial patterns and physical conditions, then obtained ideas that will make spatial planning better. Practical work is carried out in groups, some people carry out surveys and others process data alternately. When the field survey is maximized for completeness of the data because the data that already exists in the database is not necessarily in accordance with current conditions, the survey location needs to be considered, the field survey data includes land owned by private or government that can be used as a reference for future planning and spatial patterns to avoid spatial problems. the existing space is like a crooked land. Coordination of survey results, data, data compilation by making data columns with Mr. Fajar, processing data, and the final result in the form of ideas in the form of reports that are useful for fellow students and Pekalongan Regency. Ended by Mrs. Oktafia Rachmawati, S.T. and Mr. Fajar Nugroho, S.T. expressed his messages to his fellow students regarding the need for valid spatial data to be processed, cross-checking field data and processing data. (Brn)

Peserta Kerja Praktek Prodi D3 Perencanaan Tata Ruang Wilayah Dan Kota Kampus Pekalongan Undip
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