Ropinov Saputro, S.E., M.M. Diponegoro University PSDKU Vocational School lecturer was asked to accompany Special Committee II DRPD Kudus Regency. This assistance was in the context of discussing the Draft Regional Regulations (RANPERDA) for Regional Taxes and Regional Levies at the Kudus Regency DPRD building on Thursday and Monday, 11 and 15 May 2023. Chairman of PANSUS II, Sandung Hidayat, opened the first day's meeting which contained an agenda regarding the commonality of related perceptions. draft PERDA between BPPKAD and departments in Kudus.

The PDRD RANPERDA discussion meeting continued on the second day, namely Monday 15 May 2023. Several important findings in the second day of the meeting included the agreement on input from the Special Committee II of the Kudus DPRD, such as increasing the selling value of non-taxable tax objects (NJOPTKP PBBP2 and BPHTB) from 10 million to 30 million so as not to burden the community. Ropinov Saputro commented that although the increase in the NJOPTKP value caused a decrease in the PBB-P2 revenue target of 10 billion, it could still be covered by the realization of BPHTB revenues supported by the BPHTB intensification and extensification strategy. While there is no agreement between the Health Service, especially RSUD, and BPPKAD Kudus, the Chairman of BPPKAD Kudus, Eko Djumartono, S.E., responded that the legal basis for collecting retributions from the community is a Regional Regulation, where this was mutually agreed upon after being agreed by Special Committee II of Kudus DPRD and personnel expert from UNDIP.

Ropinov Saputro was appointed as an accompanying expert, inseparable from the previous series of BPPKAD Kudus activities. In 2022, Ropinov will be entrusted with work on regional potential studies at BPPKAD Kudus. This UNDIP vocational school lecturer carried out this study assisted by four students in the PSDKU Batang D3 Tax Administration study program, namely Mada Osamanti, Tsabita Via Sufika, Alfi Syahrin and Muhammad Adiyat Thariq. The work went smoothly and was handed over at the end of 2022. "In 2023, two of the student members of the 2022 consultant team took internships for their final assignment at BPPKAD Kudus. They hope to have the opportunity to contribute more deeply to the service. "Thank God, they were trusted to help draft regional regulations regarding regional taxes and regional levies there," said Ropinov. After draft The Draft Regional Regulation was reviewed several times with Kudus Regency stakeholders, the student supervisors returned as discussion experts draft Ranperda PDRD together with Special Committee II DPRD Kudus. There was a good synergy of performance from UNDIP lecturers and students in utilizing their knowledge to the community, through BPPKAD, OPD and Kudus DPRD as partners. (rpv)