The socialization event to high school principals throughout Pekalongan Regency was held on Thursday, May 5, 2022, attended by 35 participants. This activity is carried out online and offline which is guided by Dr. eng. Munadi, S.T., M.T. as the moderator of the event from start to finish. In this socialization event, there is a lot of interesting information for students who want to study at PSDKU Diponegoro University.

Before entering the meeting room, Dr. eng. Munadi, S.T., M.T. guiding the principals to see some of the works and equipment displayed by students from the D3 Department of Spatial and Urban Planning K. Pekalongan. Some of the equipment there includes GPS, Drones, 3D Map Mockups, and some infographic posters. The students who attended explained one by one the equipment that was there, such as GPS which functions as a tool for determining location, navigation, tracking, and mapping. Drones in the PTRWK department are used to map an area or land by showing an aerial picture of the area. 3D mockups which are the work of 2018 students and several infographic posters about natural disasters made by D3 students of Regional and City Spatial Planning K. Pekalongan. After finishing explaining about the equipment, the principals were guided to enter the room.

Inside the room, Dr. eng. Munadi, S.T., M.T. said that the purpose of Diponegoro University opening the Study Program Outside the Main Campus (PSDKU) was to support increasing access, equity, quality, and relevance of higher education in Central Java. This is because the main campus of Diponegoro University has accommodated quite a number of students from outside the region, while students from the surrounding areas have instead chosen not to study.

The Program Study Outside the Main Campus (PSDKU) of Diponegoro University is located in three areas, namely Batang, Pekalongan, and Rembang. PSDKU Batang is at Cepoko, Tumbrep, Bandar, Batang Regency, Central Java. PSDKU Pekalongan is located on Jl. Mandurorejo Tanjung Kulon Village Dukuh Tanjung Anom RT 05 RW 01 Kec. Kajen Kab. Pekalongan. PSDKU Rembang is at Jl. Sawah, Turus Gede, Kec. Rembang, Rembang Regency.

Currently PSDKU Batang opens two majors, namely D3 Tax Administration and D3 Public Relations. Then, PSDKU Pekalongan also opened two majors, namely D3 Accounting and D3 Regional and City Spatial Planning. PSDKU Rembang also has two majors, namely D3 Management and S1 Public Administration.

PSDKU Diponegoro University opens several entry routes for new students, including the PSSB, UM, and SBUB pathways. PSSB pathway (Acceptance for Selection of Potential Students) is the acceptance pathway for Applied Bachelors at the Vocational School and D3 PSDKU Diponegoro University through academic achievement (raport scores) and other supporting achievements.

The requirements for participating in this selection include:

  1. Students who graduated in 2021 and who will graduate in 2022,
  2. Minimum school accreditation B,
  3. Following the requirements according to a particular study program,

Registration for the PSSB route has closed on May 11 and the results will be out on May 25. The UM (Independent Test) route is where the selection is based on portfolios and online exams.

Requirements for this selection:

  • High school / vocational / MA graduate students or equivalent, pass the equivalency exam, or other equivalent (package C)
  • Meet the requirements according to the intended study program,
  • Maximum age 25 years,

Choice of Study Program Groups

SAINTEK: 2 choices of study programs (there are 2 Vocational Science and Technology study programs)

SOSHUM: 2 choices of study programs (there are 6 Social and Humanities Vocational Study Programs)

Exam Material:

Scholastic Potential Test: Verbal Ability (English and Indonesian), Numerical, Logic and Citizenship

Study Fee options are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Regular

Payment includes UKT 7 and choose SPI (Institutional Development Donation)

  1. Partnership

Payment includes UKT Group 7 and fills in the SPI above the specified SPI Value.

            Diponegoro University also opens opportunities to become prospective new students for the Bachelor and Vocational Program (including PSDKU) through the SBUB (Selection for Excellent Seeds with Achievement)

Requirements for this selection:

  1. Graduates in the last 3 years (2020, 2021 and 2022) from SMA/MA/SMK/MAK
  2. Has an average score of 70 per semester (Scale 100).
  3. Pass the school exam
  4. Never stay class
  5. Choice of study programs according to the requirements of SMA/MA/SMK/MAK

File requirements to be submitted:

  • Colored photograph, size 4×6, 1 sheet
  • Copy of diploma/SKL (for 2020 and 2021 graduates)
  • Photocopy of ID card / driving license / student card
  • Photocopy of Semester 1-6 Report Card, for 2022 graduates SMT Report Card 1-5
  • Registration Participant Identity Card obtained from the registration website
  • Registration Participant Form is obtained from the registration website
  • Copy of achievement certificate
  • All documents are sent to via expedition or courier (no need to come in person) SBUB COMMITTEE ICT Building UNDIP Campus Jl. Prof. Sudarto SH Tembalang Semarang 50275.
  • The file is included in the stopmap with the color according to the provisions below and a participant identification card is affixed in front of the Stopmap with the provisions and a checklist table behind the front cover.

Choice of Study Program Groups

Participants can choose 2 study programs according to the field of study from SMA / MA IPA / IPS / LANGUAGE and SMK Equivalent to IPA, IPS or Language


  • International Level Championship = 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place
  • National Level Championship = 1st Place, 2nd Place, 3rd Place
  • Provincial Championship = 1st Place


  • Sports Track: National Sports Committee such as: PBSI, PERPANI, FORKI, BAPOMI, BAPOPSI, IPSI, PELTI, PRSI, PTMSI, PB TI,
  • Arts, Science and Technology, Social and Humanities Pathways: Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Religion, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Youth and Sports, other relevant Ministries, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) as well as Santek, Social and Humanities Competitions held by UNDIP,
  • Religious Path: Religious Institute

The SBUB pathway has been closed on March 20 and has been announced on April 26, 2022. The study fee or what is called UKT (Single Tuition Fee) is divided into 7 groups. For more details regarding registration, please access the following site (Brn)