Pondowan, Pati (27/07/2023) – Technological developments are increasingly rapid nowadays. E-Government is the development of information and communication technology in the government sector. E-Government can increase access to public information and the efficiency of public services. This supports the implementation of SDG's goals (Sustainable Development Goals) the 9th in target 9.c, namely increasing access to information and communication technology. One form of E-Government is a Village Website. The Village Website is an important digital platform for providing accurate information about the village, increasing transparency, and promoting the village to improve village welfare. The village website also functions as an effective communication tool between the village government and the community. Every village is required to have a website/information network, which in this case is stated in Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. Pati Regency, especially Tayu District, has provided a platform for developing village websites. Several villages, especially Pondowan Village, have limited human resources to develop village websites, so the data on the Pondowan village website is still lacking in data completeness.
Judging from the problem above, Raden Alif Ristiawan Putra, KKN Team II Student at Diponegoro University in 2023, K. Rembang Public Administration Study Program, carried out a work program for Optimizing Village Websites Using the "ALIF" Principle (Adaptive, Complete, Informative and Factual). This work program aims to optimize the village website by completing Pondowan Village data so that it can be accessed by the general public to obtain complete and factual village information.
On the Pondowan Village website, data is needed regarding village administration such as the village vision and mission, village potential, village institutions, facilities/infrastructure in the village, and other data related to Pondowan Village. To obtain this data, UNDIP KKN students conducted a survey with village heads and village officials as well as village figures who know about villages and village administration.
By using the WebsiteDesa application created by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information, UNDIP KKN students filled in village data according to the data obtained. The work program was carried out smoothly and was then presented to the Village Head and Pondowan Village Apparatus and provided posters to broaden the Village's knowledge about the importance of optimizing the village website. The Village Website Optimization work program by completing village information data was welcomed by the Village Head and Village Officials and it is hoped that it will make it easier for the community to access village information and can promote the village so that it can improve village welfare. (raden)
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