Diponegoro University 2023 KKN Team 2 succeeded in creating a complaint service forum that includes a complaint handling flow and a forum for collecting community aspirations in Tendas Village, Tayu District, Pati Regency, on Friday (28/08). Managing public service complaints is important to improve the quality of services provided by the government.

The existence of this public complaints service opens up opportunities for government agencies to carry out evaluations, improvements, and act as government media in providing answers to public complaints. Based on the survey that has been carried out, the Tendas Village Hall Government already has aspiration media in the form of a suggestion box, but does not yet have a handling flow and informative banner regarding the complaint service.

Due to this background, Rahil Inas Hamidah, a student of the Bachelor of Public Administration study program at the Rembang Campus, implemented the monodisciplinary program "Providing Complaint Management at the Tendas Village Hall" which aims to accommodate complaints, aspirations and requests for information from the community in order to make it easier for the village government to handle these complaints. .

The flow of handling public complaints at the Tendas Village Hall begins with the complaining community channeling complaints, aspirations and requests for information into the suggestion box and e-mail media. The complaint will be immediately received by the village head, then distributed to village officials based on their respective main tasks. Village officials provide confirmation to the complainant if necessary, and finally provide feedback and follow-up. There is also the installation of informative banners regarding online service media, namely via e-mail and offline via the suggestion box media.

The existence of a public complaints service and a clear handling flow can help the Tendas Village government handle complaints effectively and efficiently in order to maintain the quality of public services. (rih)