The PUPUK organization (Association for the Improvement of Small Businesses) Tuesday 19 September 2023 visited UNDIP PSDKU Batang. PUPUK is a non-profit, independent and non-political organization that positions itself as an organization that operates in the field of development. Small business. PUPUK was founded to answer the need for integrated UK development activities in all economic lines. The initial establishment of PUPUK was through the Small Industry Improvement program, PIK-KADIN West Java, which began in 1979. Following the birth of KELOMPENCAPIR which was a farmer development program in the New Order era, PUPUK was established for the development of small businesses. Ropinov Saputro, S.E., M.M. Vocational School lecturer Homebase PSDKU Batang, welcomed the visit of 2 small business assistants with the theme of Social Forestry from PUPUK, namely Nurhasanah and Muhamad Dopir. In its presentation, PUPUK explained its track record of assisting small businesses, which has been implemented for decades.

In 2023, through collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs, PUPUK obtained CSR from the Ford Foundation which was used for assistance with the theme "Social Forestry" in 3 provinces, one of which is Central Java province in Batang Regency. PUPUK also explained that Batang Regency is the first area on the island of Java to be managed by PUPUK. Apart from the Ford Foundation, in 2023, the development of PUPUK in one of the villages in Batang Regency, namely Tombo Village, will receive CSR support from PLTU Batang Regency.

Providing assistance to the community requires a lot of collaboration with various parties. This assistance was carried out to form the competence of the Social Forestry Business Group (KUPS) in 3 villages, namely Tombo Village, Silurah Village, and Islamic Boarding School Village, Batang Regency. PUPUK has collaborated with various related parties, apart from the Ministry of Home Affairs, Ford Foundation, and PLTU, PSDKU has also collaborated with Perhutani Region IV Forestry Service Branch and BPSJ (Jamu Saintification Service Center) Pekalongan City. Now, PUPUK intends to collaborate with Diponegoro University academics, especially at UNDIP PSDKU Batang, to build the competence of the assisted groups, which is ultimately expected to improve the economy of the assisted groups.

Ropinov Saputro, S.E., M.M. stated that UNDIP PSDKU Batang is ready to collaborate with PUPUK to develop these business groups. Support that can be collaborated is teaching certain fields to improve competence, and also the use of infrastructure facilities, such as classrooms and laboratories. "Of course, this collaboration must begin with an MOU and/or cooperation agreement, where one of the mandatory points of the agreement is that this assistance becomes a learning medium for UNDIP students. This learning media is more specifically in the form of internships or research/data collection. In this way, every activity of lecturers/academics outside campus will always be a student activity outside campus, in accordance with the concept of Independent Learning, Independent Campus." Close Ropinov. (rpv)