Pekalongan, 22 October 2022 – Community Development and Empowerment Program Activities (P3M) “Community Economic Empowerment Activities Through Urban Farming: Aquaponic System Tanjung Kulon Village, Kajen District, Pekalongan Regency” was held on Friday, October 22, 2022 from 08.30-12.00 WIB offline at the Tanjung Kulon Village Hall, Kajen District, Pekalongan Regency. The Community Development and Empowerment Program was attended by the Community Service Team, namely Brian Pradana MT, Retno Susanti MT, and Nofa Martina Ariani MT, Tanjung Kulon Village Officials, D3 Student Association of Regional and City Spatial Planning Pekalongan Campus (HMPSDPWK) and 35 trainees . The event began with the provision of materials related to Aquaponic Basic Training (Manufacturing, Maintenance, and Development).

The session of Aquaponics Basic Training (Manufacturing, Maintenance, and Development) was filled by Angelo Di Lorenzo and Rifka Atmajaya from The material presented by Angelo Di Lorenzo explained the reasons and solutions to agricultural problems in Indonesia, namely the age of young farmers ranging from 35 to 44 years, which means that there is no regeneration of farmers in Indonesia. The key elements of aquaculture (aquaponics (fish) and hydroponics (plants) consist of several methods, namely NFT (Nutrient Film Technique ialah mengacu pada sistem) dan DFT (Deep Flow Technique Is utilizing puddles), floating rafts, and tides. Meanwhile, Rifka Atmajaya explained that biofiltration is to reduce the risk of ammonia and nitrite so that the yield is maximized. As well as an explanation of the weaknesses of aquaponics, namely the investment cost is quite expensive, and dependence on electricity. Then followed by a question and answer session from the community who took part in Community Economic Empowerment Activities Through Urban Farming: Aquaponic Systems. In the question and answer session the participants were very enthusiastic and interested in this aquaponics activity. They asked about the effective seeds used and how to care for the aquaponic equipment.

After giving the material by the resource person, all P3M participants carried out aquaponics assembling practice activities. All participants were assisted by resource persons, community leaders, the service team and HMPSDPWK to assemble the aquaponics equipment provided by the P3M service team. The work is done by dividing the participants into 2 groups, each group is accompanied by a facilitator. After completing the assembly, proceed to seeding the seeds, the method is to cut the rockwool, wet the rockwool and plant the seeds. And put the fish in the aquaponics tub. A series of practices have been completed and continued with the closing and symbolic handover of aquaponics to the Tanjung Kulon Village Head.

It is hoped that the Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3M) in Tanjung Kulon Village can provide education related to Aquaponics and encourage the community to remain productive by utilizing narrow land for planting and cultivating fish so that it can improve the economy in the UNDIP Pekalongan Campus. The enthusiasm of the participants can be seen from the beginning to the end of the event and this can be an important initial capital of interest in Aquaponics. (brn)