Community Service Activities chaired by Mr. Brian Pradana, S.T., M.T. and Mrs. Nofa Martina Ariani, S.T., M.T. was completed on Friday, September 1 2023, attended by 48 participants from Tanjung Kulon Village. This Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3M) activity has the theme "Community Economic Empowerment Through Urban Farming: Aquaponic System in Tanjung Kulon Village, Kajen District, Pekalongan Regency."

This activity began with an opening guided by the MC, then reading prayers, and remarks from Mr. Brian Pradana, S.T., M.T. as chief executive and remarks from Mr. Amsori as Head of Tanjung Kulon Village who was very enthusiastic about the Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3M) activities. The next activity was a presentation session on Community Economic Empowerment through Urban Farming: Aquaponic Systems in Tanjung Kulon Village, Kajen District, Pekalongan Regency, presented by Mr. Brian Pradana, S.T., M.T.

The background for holding this activity is the increasing development of activities after the Covid-19 pandemic which has resulted in changes in land use so that there is limited land for carrying out agricultural activities. So it requires innovation in agricultural activities, one of which is Urban Farming: Aquaponics. Urban Farming using the Aquaponics method aims to make the people of Tanjung Kulon Village remain productive because the planting method using the Aquaponics method is quite easy to make, easy to maintain, and friendly to the environment.

Community Economic Development and Empowerment Program (P3M) activities have been carried out since last year where in the first year of service, the service activity committee provided assistance in the form of aquaponic sets, fertilizer and aquaponic supporting equipment, tilapia fish seeds, basic aquaponic training, formation and empowerment of groups aquaponics, as well as monitoring and evaluation. In the second year of service, the service activity committee provided assistance in the form of aquaponic filtration and roofing, creation and assistance of aquaponic business space, fertilizer and aquaponic supporting equipment, assistance with tilapia fish seeds, training in processing aquaponic products, and further empowerment of aquaponics, as well as monitoring and Aquaponics evaluation.

After the material presentation session was finished, the next was an aquaponic product training session guided by the 2023 aquaponic service team, namely Nola Shofiyani, Kaeneena Syaidina, and Refa Nurkhaliza. This aquaponic product training session lasted for 90 minutes where participants were taught how to make pak choy juice harvested from aquaponics. They explain how to make pak choy juice, which is as follows:

  1. Wash the pak choy leaves (separate the pak choy leaves from the stems)
  2. Peel the pineapple, cut it into several pieces
  3. Put the pak choy leaves, pineapple, 3 tablespoons honey and water and ice cubes into a blender
  4. Blend for approximately 2-3 minutes
  5. Pakcoy juice is ready to be served!

The participants were very enthusiastic about taking part in the training on making pak choy juice. The next activity was a discussion session guided by Mrs. Nofa Martina Ariani, S.T., M.T. where he explained the details of the price for making pak choy juice. The following are price details explained by Mrs. Nofa Martina Ariani, S.T., M.T. Apart from explaining the details of the price for making pak choy juice and explaining how to make pak choy chips. The way to make it is as follows:

  1. Pick the pak choy leaves and discard the bottom part, set aside
  2. Combine all the liquid dough ingredients, stir well until there are no lumps
  3. Heat the oil. Coat the bok choy with the liquid mixture until coated. Fry until golden yellow over medium heat
  4. Remove and drain, serve

After that, the activity continued to a questionnaire filling session where participants were asked to fill in several questions related to aquaponics and aquaponic product training provided by the Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3M) committee. The participants took part in this session so enthusiastically that it didn't even feel like this activity had reached the end of the event. It is hoped that this service event can continue and provide benefits to the environment around the campus Undip Pekalongan and especially in the village of Tanjung Kulon, Pekalongan. (brn)