Recently, there have been socialization activities and strengthening understanding of spatial planning for village officials in the Kajen sub-district, Pekalongan Regency in the context of implementing the Diponegoro University Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3M) in 2022. Located on the Undip PSDKU campus on Jl. Mandurorejo, Kajen, Pekalongan Regency, the D3 Urban and Regional Spatial Planning study program (D3 PTRWK) is the executor of this activity. A total of 75 officers from 25 villages in the Kajen District were present as participants. Kajen District as the area where the administrative center and urban center of Pekalongan Regency are located, currently its physical development is running very rapidly. The role of village officials in the Kajen sub-district is very important in monitoring the use and control of space in accordance with the RTRW of Pekalongan Regency 2020-2040. The form of the community's role in the use of space includes collaborating with the government or other elements of the community in the use of space and utilizing space in accordance with local wisdom and a predetermined spatial plan. This activity is one of the efforts to strengthen the understanding of village officials in the Kajen District regarding spatial planning, both in substance and in its implementation.

In addition to the material on spatial planning, the village officials who attended also had the opportunity to practice a participatory planning process. Attending the activity which took place on October 20, 2022, the Head of the Study Program Management Institute outside the Diponegoro University Main Campus, Mr. Redyanto Noor, who opened the activity. Mr. Agus Purwanto as the Head of Kajen Sub-district was present to provide insight into the problems and potential of the area in Kajen District. Mrs. Retno Susanti, head of the Service Team, delivered material on the Implementation of Spatial Planning in Indonesia to complement the delivery of Mr. Abdul Ghony's material from the Public Works and Spatial Planning Service regarding the 2020-2040 Regional Spatial Plan for Pekalongan Regency.

To further strengthen the understanding of village officials in the implementation of spatial planning, Mr. M. Indra Hadi Wijaya and Mr. Brian Pradana as members of the service team explained Community Participation in Spatial Planning in the Region and assisted village officials in practicing the participatory process.

The apparatus from 25 villages in the Kajen sub-district were enthusiastic about mapping out potentials, problems and determining village development ideas accompanied by D3 student facilitators from PTRWK Undip, Pekalongan Campus.

After delivering the material, village officials were invited to practice one of the participatory processes in spatial planning. Accompanied by 25 D3 Regional and Urban Spatial Planning students as facilitators, village officials looked at the map of each village along with the spatial pattern plans listed on the website. The village officials are very enthusiastic in identifying potentials, problems and expressing ideas for future village development by referring to the spatial plan of Pekalongan Regency. Village officials are the parties who best understand the spatial dynamics that occur in their area so that this session becomes a participatory tool that can bridge the village community with the local government in the implementation of spatial planning. (brn)